Page 22 - The Solution To Secret Sorrows
P. 22


            Muslims should live in submission to their destiny without forget-
            ting these truths and knowing that in every event, there is a good-
            ness and a blessing.
                 When a person arrives at awareness of these truths, he will see
            a different, beautiful life begin for him. He will understand that, up
            to that time, he never tasted the full flavor of the blessings that he
            believed were giving him pleasure—and how ordinary are the
            things people believe bring them happiness, when compared to true
            happiness! He will realize that everything from the meals he eats to
            the sights he sees, to the very air he breathes can bring far greater
            joys than he ever thought. Loving, being loved, showing moral per-
            fection, seeing the delicate beauty in people, laughing and enjoying
            himself, friendship and conversation will take on very different fla-
            vors. His life and his worldly circumstances will, in a sense, become
            reminiscent of life in Paradise.
                 At this point, however, another important matter needs to be
            understood. When we speak of "living a beautiful life," you should
            not take this to mean that people will experience no difficulty, for
            this world is a place where everyone is tested, and a person will be
            tested by various events until the end of his life. As Allah tells us in
            the verses of the Qur'an, everyone will suffer difficulties and prob-
            lems. Some will be tested with hunger, some with fear, some with
            losses of property or loved ones. But none of these detract in the
            slightest from the internal tranquility or the happiness in the heart
            of a believer described here, because a believer submits to the des-
            tiny, seeing the benefits and blessings in events, or believes in them
            even if he cannot perceive them, and experiences the beauty in all
            this. Thinking positively about events and submitting to the will of
            Allah, the Possessor of boundless knowledge, brings lasting and
            genuine happiness.

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