Page 28 - The Solution To Secret Sorrows
P. 28
and superior morality. This causes them to become unloved by peo-
ple around them. Their presence causes discomfort for others, and
for them this is a great loss.
Within these people, inability to experience these beautiful feel-
ings secretly turns into a great sorrow. Although they feel a need to
love and be loved, make friendships and share superior morality
with others, their own pride and conceit simply prevent them from
doing so. They feel a deep longing for these things, but cannot attain
them, which causes them to continually suffer from secret sorrow.
Another kind of sorrow that pride causes is the fear these peo-
ple have of making mistakes. Because they claim to be flawless, they
also claim to be immune to error. As a result, they feel very troubled
whenever they do make a mistake. They aim to protect their pres-
tige in the eyes of others, instead of earning Allah's approval.
Having another person point out their errors or defects is very
hurtful to their pride. In such an event, they feel shaken, thinking
they have demeaned themselves and lost face in the eyes of others.
For this reason, they are constantly living in fear and tension inside
themselves. They cannot act as they would like and live a normal
life. Part of their minds is always calculating, so that they behave ac-
cording to the calculation instead of sincerely and from the heart.
Because of this, they are under stress and always compelled to act
For example, where everybody is enjoying themselves, in con-
trast to everyone else, proud people suffer sorrow. On the one hand,
they feel a great desire to join in the entertainment, but on the other,
they remain aloof out of fear that they will demean themselves if
they demonstrate undignified behavior.
Because of their own approach, these people are forced to live
with their obstinacy in a cold and lonely world. If they were able to