Page 32 - The Solution To Secret Sorrows
P. 32
their lack of submission by thinking up negative possibilities, even
when these are not at all likely. In the same way, they find something
to describe as a drawback, even in affairs that are running perfectly
In addition, because they do not consider that every event they
experience is from Allah, they get into terrible troubles by believing
that they have to solve every difficulty or problem by themselves. In
fact, no matter what they do, it is impossible to solve anything with-
out Allah's willing it. For this reason, a submissive person will at-
tempt every solution and make every effort he can. But because he
knows that Allah will bring about the outcome, he does all this
calmly and comfortably.
The problems suffered by people who lack submissiveness are
frequently encountered in everyday life. For example, you will have
often run across the rage and the angry words of a person who's
missed his bus on the way to work. He cannot pull himself together
for several minutes. Even if he finds another way of getting to work
on time, he is upset by this incident throughout the day. He will be-
come stressed and torment himself by thinking that everything will
go wrong on a day that's begun badly. If instead of this, he considers
the possible benefits that Allah may grant through this event, he
would not become so troubled. He would go on hoping for Allah's
approval because he surrenders himself to Allah even when every-
thing appears to be going wrong.
In the same way, a person injured in an accident cannot be pro-
tected from the worry into which he falls when he behaves with a
lack of trust in Allah towards what has befallen him. Because he has
forgotten that it was Allah Who created this event, he looks for the
fault in the driver of the vehicle or in himself and gets angry. In fact,
all his worry is entirely groundless. In such a situation, thinking