Page 52 - The Solution To Secret Sorrows
P. 52


            rantly, wrongly or thoughtlessly, there is still no reason for irritabil-
            ity or sulk: A believer knows that every event, every act and every
            word has been created according to the destiny predetermined by
            Allah. Behaving badly in spite of this is a mistake committed against
            Allah. In addition, the faithful know that tolerant, forgiving and af-
            fectionate behavior is necessary for Allah's approval.
                 Allah indicates the importance of this in the Qur'an:
                 The repayment of a bad action is one equivalent to it. But if
                 someone pardons and puts things right, his reward is with
                 Allah. Certainly He does not love wrongdoers. (Surat ash-
                 Shura: 40)
                 Irritable people cannot be friends with anybody. They cannot
            love anyone and cannot be loved. They live in continual trouble and
            sorrow. Because they take everything amiss, they are always lonely.
            It is very important for every Muslim to accept that irritability and
            vexation with others are not in harmony with the morality of the
            Qur'an. A Muslim, even when he is in the right, speaks openly to
            others about matters that upset him; and if he is in the wrong, he
            corrects his behavior. If somebody else is behaving incorrectly, he is
            not put out by that person, but instead warns him by reminding him
            of the verses of the Qur'an.

                 Avoiding Thoughts About Matters that Destroy
                 Worldly Ambition
                 Despite having faith, one important reason why some are trou-
            bled at times is their great desire for worldly goods and their reluc-
            tance to think about matters that will remove this same desire.
                 From the Qur'an, we understand that the subjects which trap
            people in worldly life are always the same. Among the most impor-
            tant are the drive to accumulate property, fondness for one's life, the

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