Page 47 - The Solution To Secret Sorrows
P. 47
Harun Yahya
the Qur'an, Allah instructs people to avoid lying in the verse, "...
have done with telling lies" (Surat al-Hajj: 30). No matter how
clever a lie may be or how well it deceives others, Allah knows the
truth and He sees that the person is lying.
Believers know that lying is a type of behavior which Allah has
forbidden and they strongly abstain from telling falsehoods on even
the most trivial matter. But some in their ignorant lives, influenced
by their own selfish drives, persist in this moral defect which should
be left behind. When asked, these people will naturally deny that
they would ever do anything at all that is forbidden by Allah, but
under pressure, their desires may still prompt them into lying.
A person telling a lie, who knows this is forbidden by Allah,
may at first believe that he has protected himself or gained some-
thing, but this is not true. Lying troubles a person's conscience and
makes him uncomfortable. Such a person always remains afraid that
his lies will be discovered and that as a result, other people will de-
mean him. He lives with this tension all the time. Deep inside, he
feels uncomfortable because he knows he has done something for-
bidden by Allah. Furthermore, once a person tells a lie, he feels the
need to tell more lies, one after another, in order not to let his first lie
be discovered. Each time he is drawn deeper into the swamp of
falsehoods and feels stress in his heart because he cannot escape
from it.
In addition, liars are suspected right away by those around
them and as a result, are neither trusted nor respected. This makes a
liar feel even lower. People who tell lies to exalt and benefit them-
selves find that the reward they receive is exactly the opposite.
Allah tells us in the Qur'an that such people are acting under
the influence of satan:
Shall I tell you upon whom the satans descend? They de-