Page 44 - The Solution To Secret Sorrows
P. 44


                 Merely imitating a religious and moral life, while pretending
            genuine sincerity towards Allah, causes those who do so to suffer
            loss in this world and the Hereafter. Because of this, nothing should
            be left in a person's heart which is not in keeping with the Qur'an.
            One should behave with the utmost sincerity, directness and hon-
            esty towards Allah and His followers.

                 This is a serious behavioral defect that arises from devotion to
            worldly life. Allah tells us that such an emotion is lodged in the
            human soul in this verse of the Qur'an: "Or do they in fact envy
            other people for the bounty Allah has granted them? ..." (Surat an-
            Nisa': 54). We are told that for human salvation, it is necessary to
            cleanse the soul of such evil: "He who purifies it has succeeded"
            (Surat ash-Shams: 9). The contrary, that such an evil in the soul
            drives people to destruction, is made clear in the verse, "He who
            covers it up has failed" (Surat ash-Shams: 10). The damage and tor-
            ment that envy brings down on people in this world clearly demon-
            strate the form which the failure referred to by the verse may take in
            this world.
                 Among the ignorant, the view of envy is very different from
            that given in the Qur'an. People assume that envy is a natural
            human characteristic, present in everybody to a greater or lesser de-
            gree. They regard as strange people who say, "I am not at all envi-
            ous." As for themselves, they are jealous of almost everything
            possessed by the people they live near: their intelligence, appear-
            ance, goods, children, houses, jobs, and so on.
                 Instead of sharing in their pleasure, envious people feel uncom-
            fortable at others' virtue, beauty and success. Their resentfulness
            leaves them deeply saddened by the blessings that others enjoy. This

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