Page 46 - The Solution To Secret Sorrows
P. 46
good and evil and right and wrong. The verses of the Qur'an show
people and their consciences what arises from envy, and what from
natural desires. Despite this, some go on deceiving themselves by
methods all based on their insincerity towards Allah. Although they
could live in the tranquil morality of the believers, their insincerity
forces them to secretly experience the torment of living out the
morality of the ignorant. People who keep envy alive in their hearts
live in a world that's perpetually unhappy. The very existence of
others who are more attractive and more talented, and the praise
and affection granted to those people by others, cause them sorrow
and suffering—because they do not know how to be satisfied with
the blessings Allah has given them, nor how to be grateful and con-
sequently, happy.
The only way to be rescued from these secret torments is to
cleanse one's soul of such bad characteristics and evaluate every-
thing according to the verses of the Qur'an. Anyone who can do this
knows that the real owner of all the good things of life, of all goods
and property, is Allah; and that in the world, Allah tests people's
morality by granting them these things in different measures.
Because he acts in the light of this truth, every beautiful thing can
become a pleasant blessing for him.
Falsehood is a bad moral characteristic, but widespread in com-
munities of the ignorant. A great majority believes that there is no
problem about telling a lie which they, to their own minds, have
cleverly planned that others cannot detect it because such people re-
gard themselves as being responsible solely to others. They believe
that once they have deceived and convinced others, no problem re-
mains. But in fact, the whole of human responsibility is to Allah. In