Page 41 - The Solution To Secret Sorrows
P. 41
Harun Yahya
their hatred and anger inside and not showing it outwardly. What
Allah wants is for people not to feel these emotions, even secretly.
They also forget that Allah knows what they conceal in their hearts.
Allah tells us in a verse:
Or did those with sickness in their hearts imagine that
Allah would not expose their malevolence? (Surah
Muhammad: 29)
As with all moral defects, hatred and anger harm those who
harbor them far more than they injure anyone else. Most of the time,
others are not aware that they are feeling like this, though at the
time, the people feeling so can think of nothing else. So long as they
cannot cast out the anger in their hearts, they find it impossible to
concentrate on any other matter, use their intelligence, do work or
even hold a normal conversation with others.
Nor can the physical effects of anger be taken lightly. This type
of moral defect is usually the root of such ailments as internal up-
sets, headaches, stomachaches and insomnia.
These moral defects arise from forgetfulness of Allah, their des-
tiny, and of the fact that they are being tested and will be called upon
to give an account in the Hereafter. Reflecting on these things, it is
impossible to think for hours, days or even weeks about another's
behavior and harbor anger in one's heart as a result. Anyone who
fears Allah in the true sense is aware that his lower self deceives him
on such matters and behaves as Allah instructs us:
As for those who guard against evil, when they are both-
ered by visitors from satan, they remember and immedi-
ately see clearly. (Surat al-A'raf: 201)
Hatred and anger prevent any true conception of friendship,
love and togetherness from developing. Such people always remain
friendless and alone; and it is impossible for a friendless, lonely per-