Page 39 - The Solution To Secret Sorrows
P. 39

Harun Yahya

             with radiance and pure joy. (Surat al-Insan: 8-11)
             As we can see, Allah brings Muslims radiance and light because
         of their self-sacrificing morality. For the selfish, in contrast, Allah
         creates a secret torment. These selfish people believe that they are in-
         telligent and are setting traps for others, but really fall into their own
         trap. This is one of the secrets the Qur'an reveals to us. One who dis-
         plays self-sacrificing morality may seem to tire himself more be-
         cause he accepts more responsibilities, expends his goods and
         money, and renounces his own rights and desires. But he lives a
         comfortable, happy and beautiful life with a clear conscience. A self-
         ish and egocentric person lives a troubled, difficult life in the at-
         tempt to protect his own interests, the slightest threat to which is
         enough to make him uncomfortable and unhappy.

             The Tension Created in People by Hatred and Anger
             Among moral characteristics, hatred and anger play a very sub-
         stantial role in causing people to fall into trouble and sorrow. In
         daily life, people may come across unpleasant behavior as well as
         many events which do not please them. In such circumstances, some
         immediately become angry and do not stop there, but turn their
         inner anger into hatred.
             The faithful pay no attention to this tendency within them-
         selves because Allah defines those of His followers who earn His ap-
         proval and reach Paradise, as "those who give in times of both ease
         and hardship, those who control their rage and pardon other peo-
         ple—Allah loves the good-doers" (Surah Al 'Imran: 134). Because of
         this, the faithful take refuge in Allah from anger and hatred and pray
         like this:
             ... "Our Lord, forgive us and our brothers who preceded us
             in faith and do not put any rancor in our hearts towards

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