Page 71 - The Solution To Secret Sorrows
P. 71

Harun Yahya

             These people's negative aspects are felt by everyone in the
         room. When asked their opinions, these others seem to share the
         same opinion as everybody else. Common opinions about a person
         can be important in detecting insincerity.
             People usually take the phrase "sixth sense" to mean seeing into
         the future, knowing about events before they happen, giving infor-
         mation about the unseen, and similar other things which are impos-
         sible without the will of Allah. As we are told in the verse, "The keys
         of the Unseen are in His possession. No one knows them but
         Him..." (Surat al-Anam: 59), no one other than Allah can know the
         unseen. What is meant by "the sixth sense" here is different: Felt by
         Allah's will, it makes one sense events that are happening at that
         moment, and not in the future.
             For this reason, by Allah's will, it is impossible for a person to con-
         ceal his insincerity from the faithful. According to the Qur'an's morality,
         what befits a person in such a situation is to set forth honestly whatever
         is defective or mistaken in one's heart. This way, it is much easier to
         compensate for mistakes and attain sincerity by the support of the faith-
         ful. Otherwise, every concealed insincerity will bring yet another and
         further distance the sufferer from the morality of the Qur'an.
             Another point deserves mention here. By their sixth sense, the
         faithful can sense the immorality and insincerity of others. However,
         the faithful remain aware that humans can always err and their
         hearts are in Allah's hands. They make no accusations against these
         people out of their consciences and sense of justice. A negative im-
         pression sensed is only a feeling, not evidence. In such a situation, a
         believer seized by such an impression takes any necessary measures
         to avoid possible harm. But he will never arrive at a judgment about
         someone's heart or accuses him of insincerity. For so long as a person
         does not openly confess, only Allah knows what is in his heart.

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