Page 67 - The Solution To Secret Sorrows
P. 67

Harun Yahya

         they enter. Looking in their faces, hearing their voices and witness-
         ing their attitudes become a blessing for those around them. The
         Qur'an draws attention to this characteristic of the faithful and the
         "trace of prostration" that manifests itself on their faces:
             Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are
             with him are fierce to the disbelievers, merciful to one an-
             other. You see them bowing and prostrating, seeking
             Allah's good favor and His pleasure. Their mark is on their
             faces, the traces of prostration... (Surat al-Fath: 29)
             In contrast to the faithful, people who behave insincerely pres-
         ent a negative appearance. The lack of faith these people have in-
         side, their tormented, troubled and tense spiritual state and their
         pride cause a negative breeze in every environment they enter.
         Whatever they say or do, they spread negativity around them. Their
         tense spiritual conditions, their tormented faces and troubled voices
         make others perceive this clearly. So long as they are insincere and
         do not show steadfast honesty towards Allah, they cannot overcome
         this. They can do whatever they want to appear sympathetic to the
         people around them, but it will have no positive effect.
             This is a miraculous situation which Allah creates. Some may
         not be able to describe this negative feeling at times, but most recog-
         nize such people and avoid them. This is one of the internal tor-
         ments that afflict a person who harbors negative thoughts.
             However, keep in mind that from the moment a person purifies
         his heart and acts with sincere intent towards Allah, by the will of
         Allah, this negative appearance melts away and is replaced by a
         bright and open visage.
             These traits listed up to now are just some of the recompense
         that Allah may give for lack of true faith in Him. Allah's power is
         boundless. Despite all these clear signs, if one ignores how he suffers

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