Page 64 - The Solution To Secret Sorrows
P. 64


            tiful landscape give them any pleasure. Deep inside, they feel grief
            in environments where others laugh and enjoy themselves. No mat-
            ter how they imitate the happiness and cheer of those around them,
            their inner spiritual torment never leaves them, not for a moment.
            Never can they experience the cheerfulness or tranquility that oth-
            ers feel. They can achieve these only through special efforts of will
            and concentration. As a result they always feel a weariness that
            causes them to live in a kind of stupor even when their bodies are
            awake. The way they look at things clearly express their weariness.
                 Their eyes are open, but have a dull and torpid look, and they
            are far from the signs of alertness apparent in a believer.
                 The weariness caused by this spiritual pressure also has major
            physical effects. Such people lack keen perception, speech, coordi-
            nation and other skills. They are physically capable, but the pressure
            and dullness in their brains prevent them from leading a normal life.
            At a subconscious level, they always feel the discomfort stemming
            from a troubled conscience. As long as they fail to resolve this un-
            rest, they cannot feel at ease.
                 In the Qur'an, Allah describes the troubled spiritual state of
            such people who have not fully placed faith in their hearts as fol-
                 [He said,] "But if anyone turns away from My reminder, his
                 life will be a dark and narrow one and on the Day of
                 Resurrection We will gather him blind." (Surah Ta Ha: 124)

                 Material and Spiritual Impurity
                 In this verse of the Qur'an, we are told of another form of harm
            that insincerity inflicts people: "... He casts uncleanness on those
            who do not use their intellect." (Surah Yunus: 100)
                 Allah repays those who do not exercise their consciences or re-

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