Page 61 - The Solution To Secret Sorrows
P. 61

Harun Yahya

         light of the Qur'an always drives people into error. Where they do
         not take the Qur'an as their guideline, people make decisions ac-
         cording to the ignorant society's viewpoint. That is to say, they will
         side with their selfish desires and the satan's. As a result, they view
         every event around them, including their perceptions about them-
         selves, in a twisted way that arises principally from their own self-
         deception. For example, a person regarded to be heedless according
         to the morality of the Qur'an may consider himself to be very kind,
         according to his ignorant viewpoint. Alternatively, one who behaves
         arrogantly according to the Qur'an's definition may think himself to
         be very humble and submissive, since he fails to measure his behav-
         ior by the Qur'an and think in its terms. In the same way, those of
         weak faith may convince themselves they fear Allah, are wholly and
         purely committed to the morality of the Qur'an and are completely
         honest and sincere towards Him. However, at this stage, people
         have a number of irrational judgments contrary to the Qur'an that
         they employ to convince themselves and suppress their consciences.
         Rationalizing these flawed judgments within themselves, they con-
         vince themselves that they do not fall afoul of the religion and that
         their excuses will be accepted in the sight of Allah. Such an attitude
         distances people from sincerity.
             The claims and attitudes of people who deceive themselves
         prove to be incompatible, for they also claim to be pious Muslims.
         But such an attitude always causes them trouble. Subconsciously
         aware of their true lack of moral perfection, they endure constant
         pangs of conscience. Nevertheless, instead of taking notice of these
         and correcting the flaws in their behavior, they prefer to deceive
         themselves and cover up their mistakes. This in turn causes them
         material and spiritual harm.
             The following pages will deal with this harm which the world

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