Page 63 - The Solution To Secret Sorrows
P. 63
Harun Yahya
wrong in every matter relating to their lives, including those directly
involving themselves.
People who become distanced from the morality of the Qur'an
or who permit insincerity at certain points in their lives are weak in
distinguishing right from wrong. The major sign of this deficiency is
their inability to see the situation in which they find themselves and
evaluate it according to the Qur'an—to such an extent that when
their incomprehension is pointed out by others, it still persists.
These people lack the clarity, purity and simplicity that exist in
sincere people's minds. On the contrary, turbidity and confusion
dominate their minds. When compared with the clear signs of wis-
dom in pious believers, their state becomes especially obvious. For
such people, their inability to achieve clarity of thought and deci-
siveness in making assessments is a form of torment. Due to the con-
fusion in their minds, they may even not recognize this torment, but
they can never attain the comfort of wisdom brought by sincere
faith. The way they interpret events and others' behavior clearly re-
flects their lack of wisdom.
Spiritual and Physical Lethargy
Another harm brought by insincerity, this weariness results
from the pressure they place upon themselves by knowingly ignor-
ing their conscience. The spiritual torment produced by a troubled
conscience deeply affects both their spiritual state and physical
functions. Even if such people live in the most comfortable homes,
acquire everything they want, live among people with moral perfec-
tion and possess the highest levels of health and beauty, they still
cannot be rescued from this trouble. They cannot enjoy as they
should any of the blessings around them.
Neither a delicious meal, nor candid talk of a friend, nor a beau-