Page 95 - The Solution To Secret Sorrows
P. 95
Harun Yahya
who resist sincerity. Never forget that Allah is the Almighty Who
created everything. If He wills, He can increase people's torment in
the life of the world. He can bring the secret troubles that people suf-
fer because of their insincerity to a level at which they take over their
identities completely. If He wishes, Allah can make the world too
small for people.
In the Qur'an, we are told that in the past, many peoples sub-
mitted to Allah and directed themselves towards sincerity in the face
of such a torment.
It is He Who conveys you on both land and sea so that
when some of you are on a boat, running before a fair wind,
rejoicing at it, and then a violent squall comes upon them
and the waves come at them from every side and they real-
ize there is no way of escape, they call on Allah, making
their religion sincerely His: "If You rescue us from this, we
will truly be among the thankful." (Surah Yunus: 22)
In this verse, Allah tells us that when they are helplessly
trapped amidst waves in the middle of the ocean, people devote
themselves to Him, "making their religion sincerely His."
What makes these people adopt this sincerity is being in tor-
ment and, understanding Allah's power and might, seeking His
help. Strikingly, at such a point, people are not forced to try for sin-
cerity at all. At the moment they see the torment, they use their con-
sciences and their wills to the maximum and make every sincere
effort to achieve a morality that Allah will approve. This demon-
strates that, even before they experience torment, people possess the
power to be sincere. There is really no need for others to explain to
them or try to prove their insincerities. They can take on characteris-
tics that Allah will approve simply by referring to their consciences.
If despite this, they still set their faces against those who warn them