Page 99 - The Solution To Secret Sorrows
P. 99

Harun Yahya

         ure in these things in the Hereafter. Worldly life is a learning place
         for them, but whatever characteristics their souls have taken on in
         the world will also be their characteristics in the Hereafter. If they
         have gained none, the repayment for their worldly morality will be
         the continuation of the same troubles, torments and unhappiness in
         the Hereafter.
             In consequence, every person should fear this danger waiting
         for him, prepare for it while there is still time, live his life in com-
         plete sincerity and make every effort to attain the morality approved
         by Allah. In the following pages, the thought-provoking repayment
         those who display insincere morality in the life of the world will re-
         ceive in the Hereafter will be shortly described.

             People Who Grow Arrogant in This World Will Be
             Humbled and Brought Low in the Hereafter
             Those who cannot be rescued from their prideful and egoistic
         emotions always make great efforts to convince others that they are
         superior. This effort causes them to live their worldly lives in unhap-
         piness and trouble. The return for these people in the Hereafter is to
         be humbled, brought low and treated with contempt. Allah warns
         these people in the Qur'an:
             Your God is One God. As for those who do not believe in
             the Hereafter, their hearts are in denial and they are puffed
             up with pride. There is no doubt that Allah knows what
             they keep secret and what they make public. He does not
             love people puffed up with pride. When they are asked,
             "What has your Lord sent down?" they say, "Myths and leg-
             ends of previous peoples." So on the Day of Resurrection
             they will carry the full weight of their own burdens and
             some of the burdens of those they misguided without

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