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KAYNAKÇA cance.-Why-did-we-burn-its-people.html
28. Paul Addison, Crang, Jeremy A., eds. (2006). Firestorm:
1. Patrick J. Buchanan, Churchill, Hitler, and "The Unne-
The Bombing of Dresden. Pimlico, ISBN 1-84413-928-
cessary War": How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West X, s. 66–68.
Lost the World, Three Rivers Press, 2009, s. xviii
29. Frederick Taylor, (2005). Dresden: Tuesday 13 Febru-
2. Buchanan, a.g.e., s. xiii
ary 1945. London: Bloomsbury, ISBN 0-7475-7084-1, s.
3. Buchanan, a.g.e., s.19
4. Spring 1936 (Age 61), International Churchill Society, 30. Taylor, a.g.e., s. 432
31. Dominic Selwood, "Dresden was a civilian town with
no military significance. Why did we burn its people?",
5. Onur Öymen, Silahsız Savaş: Bir Mücadele Sanatı Olarak
The Telegraph, 13 Şubat 2015, http://www.telegraph.
Diplomasi, 8. Baskı, İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi, 2015, s. 68.
6. Öymen, a.g.e., s. 87
7. Henry Kissinger, Diplomacy, Simon & Schuster, 1995, did-we-burn-its-people.html
s. 413; Onur Öymen, Silahsız Savaş: Bir Mücadele Sa-
32. Selwood, a.g.m.
natı Olarak Diplomasi, Remzi Kitabevi, İstanbul, Seki- 33. Bill Brust, Defending Principles: The Political Legacy of
zinci Basım, Şubat 2015, s. 108-109
Bill Brust, Labor Publications, 1993, s. 101
8. Thomas E. Mahl, Desperate Deception: British Covert 34. Marshall de Bruhl, (2006). Firestorm: Allied Airpower
Operations in the United States, 1939-44, Brassey's In-
and the Destruction of Dresden. Random House, sf. 203-
telligence & National Security Library, 1998, e-book,
9. Boris Johnson, The Churchill Factor: How One Man
Made History, Riverhead Books, 2015, s. 9-10
36. Bill Brust, Defending Principles: The Political Legacy of
10. British Security Coordination, Spartacus Educational,
Bill Brust, Labor Publications, 1993, s. 102-103
37. Selwood, Dominic (13 Şubat 2015). "Dresden was a ci-
11. Mark Weber, "Roosevelt's 'Secret Map' Speech", Insti-
vilian town with no military significance. Why did we
tute For Historical Review, burn its people?", The Telegraph, http://www.tele-
12. Weber, a.g.m.
13. Weber, a.g.m. cance.-Why-did-we-burn-its-people.html
14. Weber, a.g.m. 38. Alexander McKee, Dresden 1945: The Devil's Tinder-
15. James Perloff, "Pearl Harbor: Hawaii Was Surprised; box, Granada, 1983, s. 61-62.
FDR Was Not", New American, 7 Aralık 2016, https:// 39. McKee, a.g.e., s. 63
40. Patrick J. Buchanan, Churchill, Hitler, and "The Unne-
cessary War": How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West
16. Thomas E. Mahl, Desperate Deception, British Covert
Lost the World, Three Rivers Press, 2009, s. 399
Operations in the United States, Brassey's Inc., 1998, e- 41. Buchanan, a.g.e., s. 399
42. George Armstrong, Rothschild Money Trust, Bridger
17. Mahl, a.g.e.
House Publishers Inc, 2000, s. 70; Dr. John Coleman,
18. Mahl, a.g.e.
Rothschild Dynasty, World Intelligence Review, 2006,
19. Mahl, a.g.e. s. 171
20. Mahl, a.g.e. 43. Gary G. Kohls, The Hiroshima Myth and the Glorifi-
21. Dr. John Coleman, 300'ler Komitesi, çev. Mert Akcan- cation of American Militarism, 29 Temmuz 2014,
baş, İstanbul: Destek Yayınları, 2014, s. 79
22. James Perloff, "Pearl Harbor: Hawaii Was Surprised; kohls/the-hiroshima-myth-2/; Hiroşima Miti: ABD As-
FDR Was Not", New American, 7 Aralık 2016, https:// keri Tarihinin Sayısız Savaş Suçları ve Yalanları, http: //—abd-
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23. John Toland, Infamy: Pearl Harbor and Its Aftermath, 44. Tulga Buğra Işık, "İkinci Dünya Savaşı'nı Hiroşima ve
Berkley, 1986, s. 320-335 Nagazaki'ye yapılan atom bombası saldırıları mı bitir-
24. Toland, a.g.e., s. 256 di?", Haber Sol,
25. Bill Brust, Defending Principles: The Political Legacy of dunya-savasini-hirosima-ve-nagazakiye-yapilan-atom-
Bill Brust, Labor Publications, 1993, s. 104 bombasi-saldirilari-mi-bitirdi
26. Gericke, Gerda (26 October 2005). "The Destruction of 45. Gary G. Kohls, The Hiroshima Myth and the Glorifi-
Dresden's Frauenkirche", Deutsche Welle, cation of American Militarism, 29 Temmuz 2014, https: //
frauenkirche/a-1265990 roshima-myth-2/; Hiroşima Miti: ABD Askeri Tarihi-
27. Dominic Selwood, (13 Şubat 2015) "Dresden was a ci- nin Sayısız Savaş Suçları ve Yalanları, http://med
vilian town with no military significance. Why did we—abd-askeri-tar-
burn its people?", The Telegraph, http://www.tele- ihinin-sayisiz-savas-suclari-ve-yalanlari 46. William D. Leahy, I Was There, Whittlesey House; 1.
den-was-a-civilian-town-with-no-military-signifi- Baskı, 1950, s. 441