Page 70 - Knowing The Truth
P. 70
IBRAHIM: Before you do that I want to add something. I've looked
at a considerable number of books about the subject Murad explained
yesterday. I spent a long time on the Internet as well investigating this
subject until the early hours of the morning. It is as you said; a large
number of thinkers have expounded this subject in one way or another
from Plato to Muhyi-dun Ibn Arabi, from Immanuel Kant to George
Berkeley. But because of the conditions of the time and the pressure of
opposing views, this subject could not be properly discussed and
understood, and some thinkers wrongly interpreted what they
discovered. I then did some research in some foreign sources on the
biological, physical and anatomical sides of the question. I have no more
doubt that everything takes on meaning in cognition and that we are
seeing an impression in our brains.
MURAD: Ibrahim, congratulations on your work! Those who only
partially understand the truth that the whole of matter is a perception try
to avoid the question by saying: "This is a kind of that old-fashioned
philosophy of Idealism." But the question can't be avoided. It's an
extraordinary truth and one that is of great importance for all humanity.
As you said, this subject is not a new one in the world of ideas or the
world of science. In the ages when science was still little developed, a
number of wise and thoughtful people had come to know this subject
either through holy books, words of prophetic guidance or by
contemplation. We have already quoted from some of these thinkers
earlier. Idealism, one of the two branches of philosophy, and the
mysticism (Sufism) we encounter in monotheistic religions have been
deeply engaged in this subject. Moreover, as science developed, physics,
astronomy, atomic physics, psychology, biology, and medical science
have all, whether they intended to or not, demonstrated the technical
sides of this truth. The reason why some people regard this subject as
strange and incomprehensible is their unfamiliarity of these subjects.
However, these days, even in high school biology classes, the fact that
perceptions are formed in the brain is taught in some depth. That is,
everyone can grasp this truth even in a school biology course.