Page 132 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 132

Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism

                   Aggressive, uncompromising, intolerant, incapable of

                   entering a dialogue with those who think differently, seeing
                   no value in other people's ideas, they try to resolve every
                   argument through violence. In any social morality built on
                   love and compassion, they can never achieve their aims.

                        OUR PROPHET (may Allah bless him and
                        grant him peace) WAS A MAN OF
                        UNDERSTANDING AND LOVE

                        In the time of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless
                   him and grant him peace), Arabia was home to communities
                   of different religions, cultures and ideas. Jews, Christians,

                   Sabaeans, Zoroastrians and idol worshippers all lived side by
                   side, together with many different tribes hostile to each other.
                   Yet no matter what their tribe or beliefs, our Prophet (may
                   Allah bless him and grant him peace) called people to religion
                   with affection, patience, compassion and love. In the Qur'an
                   Allah describes his pleasing attitude to those around him:

                        It is a mercy from Allah that you were gentle with them. If
                        you had been rough or hard of heart, they would have
                        scattered from around you. So pardon them and ask
                        forgiveness for them... (Surah Al 'Imran: 159)
                        As pointed out earlier, in the Qur'an Allah reveals that no

                   one should be pressured to embrace Islam. Muslims are
                   charged only with explaining the religion of Allah. No one
                   can force anyone else to believe or worship. Only by the will
                   of Allah can another find the true path and come to believe.

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