Page 136 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 136

Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism

                   hadiths, the great Islamic scholar Imam Ghazali sums up our
                   Prophet's (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) attitude
                   to those around him in these terms:

                        ... Everyone thought that the Prophet (may Allah bless him
                        and grant him peace) honored him more. Whoever came to
                        him could see his face.

                        ... He used to call his companions by their surnames with
                        honor and he used to give one surname who had no
                        ... He was very affectionate and kind in dealing with the

                        ... Nobody could speak loudly in his assembly. 30
                        Our Prophet's (may Allah bless him and grant him
                   peace) love of his fellow man, his consideration and affection,
                   tied those around him and encouraged them to believe. His

                   superior example of morality is one that all Muslims should
                   dwell on. In one verse Allah describes the features of our
                   Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) that set an
                   example to all mankind:
                        A Messenger has come to you from among yourselves.
                        Your suffering is distressing to him; he is deeply
                        concerned for you; he is gentle and merciful to the
                        believers. (Surat at-Tawba: 128)

                        Love and affection, understanding and compassion are
                   common traits of the messengers whom Allah has sent as
                   leaders to the true path. In the Qur'an Allah states that the
                   other prophets have been honored with "loving sensitivity"

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