Page 144 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 144

Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism

                   never desired war and over the years he made great efforts to
                   spread Islam by peaceful means. He was patient in the face of

                   severe assaults and pressure,. Only when dealing with such
                   pressure became imperative did he give permission for war,
                   in the light of a revelation from Allah. He never declared war
                   so long as there was still the slightest possibility of peace, and

                   as long as an enemy's attacks and pressure represented no
                   mortal danger.
                        During our Prophet's (may Allah bless him and grant
                   him peace) lifetime, the Mu'tah Expedition was the bloodiest
                   and most difficult waged by the Muslims. He appointed Zayd
                   ibn Harithah to command the army and admonished the

                        Wage war in the name of Allah, on the path of Allah,
                        against those who deny Allah. Engage in no treachery. Do

                        not cut off ears and noses and other parts of the body. Do
                        not kill women and children, the elderly, and men of
                        religion in their places of worship. Do not cut down date
                        and other trees, and do not tear down buildings. 46
                        Based on the prophetic orders on war, the following
                   principles, which may be called "The Islamic Principles of

                   Combat", are outlined by Muslim scholars:
                        1. War is to be waged only against those who encourage and
                        engage in it.

                        2. Priests in churches, children, women and the elderly
                        must never be harmed.

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