Page 54 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 54

Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism

                   whole of the Middle East, North Africa and even Spain,
                   drawing the attention of many in the West. In the words of the
                   famous Islamic expert John L. Esposito, "What is most striking

                   about the early expansion of Islam is its rapidity and success.
                   Western scholars have marveled at it." Over the next centuries,
                   Islam reached all corners of the world, from Indonesia to
                   Latin America. Today, Islam is accepted as the fastest
                   growing religion, and its roughly one billion followers
                   represent about one-fifth of the world's population. Interest in
                   Islam particularly increased after the terrorist attacks of
                   September 11, 2001. (For more details, see The Rise of Islam by

                   Harun Yahya).
                        Looking at today's Islamic world, we see a wide range of
                   religious practices, depending on societies' different customs
                   and traditions, their cultural heritage and world views. This
                   has led some individuals researching or trying to understand
                   Islam to form mistaken impressions. Those differences may
                   symbolize only the traditional values of the society under
                   examination, not Islam itself. The only way of arriving at an
                   accurate opinion of Islam is to put aside these differences and

                   turn to the Qur'an, where the essence of Islamic morality is set
                   out, and to the actions of our Prophet (may Allah bless him
                   and grant him peace).
                        Even if Muslims comprise the majority in a community,
                   that does not mean that a community's behavior, views and
                   judgments will necessarily be Islamic, nor that they need be
                   defended in the name of Islam. When evaluating an

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