Page 52 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 52

Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism

                   loveless, aggressive people who easily hurt others without
                   the slightest pang of conscience. Having no fear of Allah, they

                   do not know the morality of religion, nor do they practice it.
                   Nothing can stop them from committing crimes.
                        In restraining its citizens, society's prevailing rules can
                   go only so far. As a result of its law enforcement units, the
                   state may be able to partially protect streets and public spaces,

                   and, by means of a powerful system of justice, may be able to
                   take the necessary means to maintain public order and ensure
                   that the crime rate drops. But since it is impossible to keep
                   watch on every individual, 24 hours a day, it is essential that
                   people's consciences enter the equation at some stage.
                   Someone who does not heed the voice of his conscience can

                   easily turn to crime when on his own or surrounded by
                   people of like mind. The result is a society of individuals who
                   gladly lie when they feel it necessary, have no compunction
                   against enjoying unfair profits and feel no qualms about

                   oppressing and exploiting the weak. In a society that has lost
                   all spiritual values and has no fear of Allah, purely physical
                   measures are clearly not going to solve every problem. The
                   morality of religion, on the other hand, commands a person to
                   avoid evil deeds, even when on his own and when he knows
                   that nobody in his community will ever punish him for his

                   misdeeds. The person who knows that Allah will call him to
                   account for his every deed, his every decision and his every
                   word, and will reward him for them accordingly in the
                   hereafter, will always avoid evil.

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