Page 47 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 47

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                brought up to believe such concepts will inevitably be selfish,
                aggressive, ruthless and prone to violence. Such young
                people are easily susceptible to anarchic and terrorist
                indoctrination. Following such ideologies, they can become

                cruel enough to kill children and murder their own brothers
                and sisters, without batting an eyelid. The communist, racist
                and fascist terror groups that have plagued the world for the
                last hundred years are the products of just such an
                educational system.
                     In light of these facts, we need to expose the true
                rottenness of terrorist logic. People need to be awakened to

                the fact, as effectively as possible, that all those who support
                and believe in Darwinism are mistaken. Man is not unfettered
                and irresponsible. We do have a Creator, Who watches us at
                all times, knows even our innermost thoughts and Who, in
                the hereafter, will call us to account for all our deeds. Our
                Lord has created Man different from the animals, in that we
                possess a soul, reason, free will, judgment and powers of
                discrimination. If a weak-willed person, easily angered,
                regards himself and others as mere animals, he can act in a

                totally ruthless manner and easily do them harm. It makes no

                Modern schools teach Darwinism as if it were a scientific fact. This
                dissemination of Darwinist philosophy helps the rise of social violence,
                including terrorism. Indoctrinated with the idea that conflict and struggle
                are a part of life, young people slowly begin to regard violence as
                perfectly normal and even take pleasure in it.

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