Page 43 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 43

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                idea foolishly believe themselves to be the products of
                chemical and biological accidents, free of all responsibility to

                the Creator and His moral code. Moreover, those under the
                spell of Darwinist logic, who regard life as a battlefield that
                therefore justifies all kinds of wickedness in the struggle for
                survival, are brainwashed with the terrible idea that it is
                normal to treat other people like animals, and even to

                exterminate them.
                     People educated with such ideas transformed the 20th
                century into one of savagery, supported conflict as part of
                Darwinism and even regarded war as the most important
                means of furthering their aims. "Dialectical conflict" became
                the so-called justification for the massacres carried out by

                Communist ideologues. Over the course of the century,
                Communist terror cost the lives of some 120 million people.
                Darwin's nonsensical "struggle for survival between the
                races" and "natural selection" laid the foundations for

                Nazism. Adolf Hitler claimed that only the superior races
                could, or should, survive. The fascist terror he inspired
                unleashed a wave of slaughter across the entire world. Some
                55 million people died in World War II, which began as a
                result of the Nazis' policies of war and occupation. Those
                people in the 21st century who still follow those ideas regard

                violence as the only way and want this century to go down in
                history as one of terror.
                     Darwinism's theory that man is a warring animal, with
                which so many are subconsciously indoctrinated, has

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