Page 42 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 42

Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism

                        THE TERRORIST MINDSET WAS BUILT BY

                        According to the error that is Darwinism, there is
                   constant conflict in nature, and ruthless competition for
                   survival. The strong always defeat the weak, thus enabling
                   progress. Out of that concept came the idea of the "struggle
                   for survival" and such terms as "the favored races" (European

                   whites) and "inferior" ones (Asian or African races). This
                   distorted and racist logic laid the groundwork for hatred and
                   conflicts all over the world. In turn, Darwin's idea of "the
                   survival of the fittest" justified a great many movements that
                   led to hatred, enmity, conflict and war.
                        Darwinism still indoctrinates people with the deception

                   that humans are no more than a highly developed animal
                   species, the result of blind chance, and that they have no
                   Creator. This ill theory maintains that the world once
                   consisted of nothing but inanimate rock, soil and gasses. By

                   sheer coincidence, life emerged as a result of the effect of
                   natural forces like wind and rain and lightning on organic
                   molecules. The theory illogically goes on to explain all life on
                   earth, including human beings, as a product of the blind
                   forces of nature and mere chance. Yet this theory of evolution
                   is a huge deception that violates the most basic laws of

                   chemistry and biology and defies all reason and logic. (For
                   more on this subject, see Chapter 7, The Evolution Deception).
                   However, the theory is imposed on modern society with
                   enormous propaganda, and people indoctrinated with this

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