Page 45 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 45

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                wreaked dreadful harm on mankind. Terrorist attacks are
                echoes of that. Darwinist slogans that maintain that only the
                strongest can survive, praise violence, support conflict and
                see war as a virtue need to be thrown, once and for all, into the

                dustbin of history. Darwinism's overthrow can undermine all
                of those ideologies that support conflict and violence.
                     On the other hand, the definition of human nature by the
                monotheist faiths is much different. Christianity, Judaism and
                Islamthe three religions believed in by most people in the
                world, all oppose the Social Darwinist value called conflict.
                As we will see in greater detail in subsequent sections, each of

                these religions aims at bringing peace and security to the
                world, while opposing the oppression, torture, and killing of
                the innocent. Conflict and violence, they agree, are abnormal
                and unwanted concepts, violating the morality that Allah has
                set out for Man. Darwinism, on the other hand, perversely
                regards violence and conflict as essential, and therefore
                justified. In short, the source of the world's terrorist
                nightmare lies in atheism and its contemporary equivalents:
                Darwinism and materialism.

                     Since schools in many countries teach Darwinism as
                established scientific fact, new generations of terrorists are
                inevitable. From that point of view, it is a most urgent matter
                to prevent young people from being taught that they are the
                result of chance, descended from animals, totally unfettered
                with no duties towards Allah and can survive only by
                emerging victorious in the struggle for survival. Anyone

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