Page 48 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 48

Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism

                   difference if those others are totally innocent children. But
                   anyone who possesses reason and conscience and knows that

                   he bears a soul, given him by Allah, holds his anger in check,
                   no matter what the circumstances. His judgment and
                   conscience will always prevail. Never will he do the slightest
                   thing for which Allah might one day call him to account.
                        In the Qur'an (Surat ash-Shams: 7-10), Allah reveals that

                   Man is inspired by both evil and the will to avoid it.
                   Therefore, it is not some imaginary evolutionary process that
                   underlies moral degeneration and the commission of crimes.
                   Immorality and crime come from the evil side of human
                   nature, which can only be defeated by personal devotion to
                   the moral values that Allah has taught to humanity through

                   religion. If people have no faith in Allah and do not believe
                   they must ever account to Him for their actions, they have no
                   reason to avoid committing evil in the forms of personal
                   greed and dishonesty or social evils like wars, racist killings,

                   gang wars or ruthless skinhead assaults. On a less dramatic
                   level, it accounts for why people are left to starve, and for the
                   rampant injustice and ruthlessness in the world today. There
                   is no end to the cruelties of those who regard Man as only an
                   animal species, illogically believing that they, like animals,
                   are engaged in a struggle for survival. Not believing in Allah

                   and the hereafter, they induce others to forget about them too.
                        Every human being bears a soul breathed into him by
                   Allah, and is responsible to the Creator Who created him out
                   of nothing. In the Qur'an, Allah reminds those who think of

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