Page 40 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 40

Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism

                   shedding blood becomes a source of pleasure due to their
                   perverted logic. They cease to be human and turn into savage
                   monsters. If one of them does evidence the slightest remorse,

                   he is immediately branded a traitor by his more radical
                   comrades. Being more radical and more bloody is regarded as
                   being more devoted to the cause, so the zeal to kill increases
                   constantly. Since any dispute can easily be defined as
                   betrayal, terrorists invariably use guns against each other,
                   and carry out attacks on other splinter groups within their
                   own ranks.

                        This passionate attachment to violence goes deeper than
                   political ideologies and in fact stems from an underlying
                   misconception about human nature. The terrorist mindset
                   draws its inspiration from materialist philosophy and
                   Darwinist thought. Darwinism regards human beings as
                   animals and maintains that living things evolve through a
                   struggle for survival in nature. Eliminating the weak, so that
                   the strong can emerge victorious, forms the essence of any
                   terrorist's twisted thinking.

                     The savagery of terrorism is felt in almost every country in the world.
                     According to U.S. State Department figures, the year 2000 saw an 8
                     percent increase in terrorist incidents over 1999.

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