Page 39 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 39

attacks aimed at defenseless people:
                                  "Researchers have glimpsed aspects of [the

                              terrorists'] psyches. Most prominent among these
                            is their capacity to view their victims as things, as
                     objects, as statistics that, they hope, will show up on a
                     casualty list.
                     "They don't want to experience their victims as human
                     beings, as they would a friend or loved one. Rather, they

                     strive to view them as pawns on a political chessboard.
                     Consequently, from their own vantage point, terrorists
                     don't perceive themselves as killing ‘people.' In order to
                     slaughter with ease and callous indifference, they
                     mentally dehumanize us into ‘targets' ... Their ‘cause,'
                     whatever it may be, is sufficiently sacred, noble or
                     desperate that it justifies the carnage they instigate ... For
                     most terrorists, their chief interest resides in effects, not
                     persons ... They are after ... the impact of the massacre, not
                     the experience of the massacre itself. Terrorists want to
                     murder hope, or a way of life, or the spirit of a group of
                     people or an entire nation. They destroy human beings
                     because they believe doing so is the fastest and most
                     direct route to that goal." 11

                     Philip Chard draws our attention to a most important
                matter; that terrorists feel not the slightest pang of remorse at
                the death of others. On the contrary, the more they can kill,
                the more successful they foolishly consider themselves to be,
                and they rejoice in that fact. Such ill minds can quite happily
                shoot innocent people and bomb small children. For them,

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