Page 34 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 34

                               THE BLOODY TERROR
                               OF THE SHINING PATH
                               OF THE SHINING PATH
                       This Marxist-Leninist-Maoist guerrilla group operates
                   in Peru. Founded in the 1960s by Abimael Guzman, a
                   professor of philosophy, the organization was originally
                   regarded as just another political movement. In the 1970s,
                   however, the Shining Path turned into a savage guerrilla
                   group that is now one of the bloodiest terrorist
                   organizations in the world.
                       Guzman's statements in support of violence are
                   particularly striking. In an April 19, 1980 address, the
                   Shining Path's leader declared, "The future lies in guns and
                   cannons." One of his guerrilla followers praised the use of
                   violence: "Blood makes us stronger ... and if it is flowing, it is
                   not harming us, but giving us strength." The organization
                   openly stated that its struggle was built on the use of
                   violence and debated how this could be increased in Peru.
                   As a result, some 30,000 Peruvians were killed in the

                       The 1980s saw the end of Guzman's teaching career and
                       the beginning of ongoing terrorism all over Peru. Like the
                       Japanese kamikazes during World War II, Guzman and
                       the Shining Path romanticized death. They believed it was
                       a small price to pay for the rewards awaiting them beyond
                       what Guzman called the "river of blood." Many innocent
                       civilians were abducted, raped, tortured and killed; over
                       one percent of the population died brutal deaths related to
                       political violence. To further their cause, Guzman--then

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