Page 37 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 37

f a sick person is to be treated properly, an
                             accurate diagnosis is essential. Whatever

                             treatment follows that diagnosis must be
                             implemented meticulously and decisively, until
                  the sickness is finally expelled from the body. If not, the
                  illness will inevitably recur. The same applies to one of the
                  most serious ills affecting society. One of the chief reasons
                  why we cannot find effective solutions to this century's
                  social problems is that their causes have not been properly

                  identified. When dealing with any social problem, the first
                  thing to do is establish what causes give rise to it.
                  Otherwise, whatever measures are taken can only be
                      The roots of terrorism are often sought in concrete
                  matters, so the fight against it, aimed at these superficial
                  targets, cannot provide lasting results. In order to free the
                  world from terrorism, the principal factors behind it must
                  be identified and eliminated.


                      It is not possible to defeat terrorism by security
                  measures. By itself, military force is only likely to meet with
                  increased violence, producing a vicious circle in which
                  bloodshed continues to be answered with more bloodshed.

                  When embarking on the fight against terrorists, we need to
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