Page 76 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 76

Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism

                   their religious obligations will be rewarded with paradise.
                   That delightful responsibility means that they never need feel
                   wearied or discouraged while continuing to warn others

                   compassionately and affectionately, no matter what mistakes
                   they might have made. In many verses, Allah reveals that He
                   loves those who have patience, and calls on the faithful to be
                   patient when practicing the morality of the Qur'an:

                        You who believe! Seek help in steadfastness and
                        prayer. Allah is with the steadfast. (Surat al-Baqara:

                        … Those who are steadfast and do right actions. They
                        will receive forgiveness and a large reward. (Surah
                        Hud: 11)

                        Islam Commands Us to Repay Evil with

                        A good action and a bad action are not the same. Repel
                        the bad with something better and, if there is enmity
                        between you and someone else, he will be like a bosom

                        friend. (Surah Fussilat: 34)
                        Ward off evil with what is better. We know very well
                        what they express. (Surat al-Muminun: 96)

                        In these verses, Allah promises the faithful that they can
                   secure positive results, so long as they adopt a pleasant
                   attitude in the face of wrongdoing. The Qur'an emphasizes
                   that even when a believer is dealing with an enemy he can still

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