Page 77 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 77

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                establish a warm friendship. Responding to evil with good is
                also an essential part of compassion. When any believer sees
                others adopting an attitude that will not be pleasing to Allah,
                he considers first of all how that will affect them in the

                hereafter. Then he approaches them with understanding and
                humility, refusing to let himself become puffed up with pride.
                     Over the course of their lives, believers may come across
                people of very different characters. Yet they will not change
                their view of morality according to the people they meet.
                Others may speak mockingly, use ugly words, become angry
                or even behave in a hostile manner. Yet the true believer

                never ceases to be polite, modest and compassionate. He will
                not respond to ugly words with more of the same. He will not
                laugh at those who mock him, nor answer anger with anger,
                but remains patient and compassionate. In the face of
                insulting behavior, he will respond with proper morality, and
                with such affection and compassion that the other party will
                feel ashamed.
                     That is the morality our Prophet (may Allah bless him

                and grant him peace) recommends to us. In one of the
                hadiths, he says, "You do not return evil for evil, but excuse and
                forgive." In another hadith, he calls on the faithful in these
                terms: "None of you must be the kind of weak person who says, ‘He
                who has no compassion will receive none.' " 19
                     In the Qur'an (Surat al-Ma'ida: 13), our Prophet (may
                Allah bless him and grant him peace) was told to be forgiving
                when betrayed by some of the children of Israel:

                     … They have forgotten a good portion of what they

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