Page 82 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 82

Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism

                   destiny. When it comes to such things, they therefore place
                   themselves in the hands of Allah and feel no personal anger.
                        Alternatively, if someone transgresses this Qur'anic rule

                   and exceeds the bounds set by Allah, only Allah can judge
                   that person's behavior. It is never up to the faithful to judge,
                   or refuse to forgive, anyone on any matter. The truly sorry
                   and repentant person will have his reward only in the Sight of
                   Allah. In many verses, Allah has revealed that apart from

                   "associating partners to Him," He will forgive the errors of the
                   faithful who repent sincerely. Since one man cannot know
                   another's repentance, the faithful simply forgive in the
                   manner Allah revealed to them. If the Qur'an has anything to
                   say on a particular subject, they treat the person who has
                   committed error in that light.

                        Islam Commands People To Behave Gently

                        Allah has infinite compassion, and is forgiving,
                   protective and gentle toward believers. The Compassionate
                   and Merciful has placed all the blessings in the universe at
                   Man's disposal, supporting him with messengers to reveal the
                   true path. He directs all men to be His sincere servants by
                   means of His revelations, each of which is a guidepost to that
                   path. Our Lord is the  Halim (the Clement),  Adl  (Lord of

                   Infinite Justice), ‘Afuw (the Pardoner), Asim (the Protector),
                   Barr (the Source of All Goodness), Ghafir (the Forgiver), Hafiz
                   (the Protector), Karim (the Generous One), Latif (the Subtle
                   One),  Muhsin (Lord of Infinite Kindness),  Ra'uf  (the

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