Page 85 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 85

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                creatures Allah created, being kind and gentle in the best
                possible ways, always favoring compromise and
                understanding, never speaking harshly, even under the most

                trying circumstances, making sacrifices happily and
                willingly, always desiring and seeking the best for others,
                relegating one's own personal desires to the background,
                wishing for others exactly what one wishes for oneself, being

                always quick to offer assistance in cases of need and rejecting
                all forms of cruelty. That, no doubt, is exactly the ethical
                model that mankind is searching for.

                     Islam Supports Freedom of Belief

                      In matters of belief, Islam offers people complete
                freedom, and in the very clearest language. That has been so

                ever since Islam was first revealed, and forms the basis of
                today's Islamic morality. The verses on the subject are
                perfectly clear:
                     There is no compulsion where religion is concerned.
                     Right guidance has become clearly distinct from error.

                     Anyone who rejects false Allahs and believes in Allah
                     has grasped the Firmest Handhold, which will never
                     give way. Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. (Surat al-
                     Baqara: 256)

                     According to Islam, people are free to choose whatever
                beliefs they wish, and nobody can oblige anyone else. Yes, a
                Muslim has a duty to communicate Islam and explain the

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