Page 90 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 90

Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism

                        Allah has given mankind both reason and a conscience.
                   His messengers and the Divine books revealed to them have
                   shown the true path, and people are responsible for their own
                   choices. Islamic morality can be lived only by a sincere

                   decision to do so, by surrendering oneself to Allah and
                   listening to one's conscience, which always commands one to
                   do what is right. It is a total violation of Islamic morality to
                   force anyone to believe, because what matters is an
                   individual's surrendering himself to Allah with all his heart
                   and believing sincerely. If any system obliges people to have
                   faith, then those "converts" will become religious only out of

                   fear. This means preparing the ground for hypocrisy to
                   flourish, which is totally undesirable. The only acceptable
                   way to live by a religion is within an environment that leaves
                   one's conscience completely free. This is what Allah revealed
                   to our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace):
                        So remind them! You are only a reminder. You are not

                        in control of them. But as for anyone who turns away
                        and disbelieves, Allah will punish him with the
                        Greatest Punishment. Certainly it is to Us they will
                        return Then their Reckoning is Our concern. (Surat Al-
                        Ghashiyya: 21-26)
                        It also needs to be emphasized that Islam leaves people

                   free to make their own choices regarding religion and
                   commands them to respect other religions. Even if someone
                   believes in what the Qur'an describes as superstition, he can
                   still live in peace and security in Muslim lands and freely

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