Page 95 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 95

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                see him, he left his own mosque for them to use and pray in. 21
                That kind of compassionate understanding was maintained

                during the times of the Four Rightly Guided Caliphs who
                succeeded the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him
                peace). After Damascus was captured, a church that had been
                turned into a mosque was divided into two, so that Christians
                might worship in one half and Muslims in the other. 22

                     Islam Commands That Oppression Be

                     Muslims should never remain silent in the face of

                oppression that they witness, or even hear about secondhand.
                Their compassion, stemming from the morality of the Qur'an,
                directs them to oppose all tyranny, wickedness and
                oppression, to defend the oppressed and to wage a war of
                ideas on their behalf. Whether dealing with their closest

                friends or with strangers with whom they share no interests
                in common they behave in a manner determined to prevent
                any such oppression. Rather, they seize on this opportunity to
                win the good pleasure of Allah and implement the morality of
                the Qur'an. Because a believer's conscience is so very
                sensitive, his compassion never lets him turn a blind eye to
                the slightest injustice or cruelty. He will take his place in the

                vanguard of that morality by avoiding any actions that might
                be unfair to or oppress anyone else. Whenever he sees anyone
                else behaving that way, his conscience gives him no peace
                until he has done everything possible to right matters. True

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