Page 97 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 97

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                the hereafter they will be brought face to face with all the
                good and bad deeds that they encountered in this world. But
                the faithful, well aware of this, will treat even total strangers
                they have never met with great compassion and seek to

                rescue them from oppression. Even if no one else supports
                them they will muster all their strength to forestall
                wickedness. Even though the majority may behave
                differently, their lack of conscience never rubs off on the true
                believer. In the hereafter, Muslims know they will be called to
                account for what they did to prevent evil. They will not be
                able to get away with excuses like, "I didn't see it," or, "I didn't

                hear it," or "I never knew what was going on."
                     As revealed in the Qur'an, "... he [man] will come to Us
                all alone," every human being will return to his Creator on
                his own" (Surah Maryam: 80).  People will be brought into the
                Presence of Allah, put to the trial and called to account for
                their deeds in this world. Only those who followed the
                dictates of their conscience will come out of that questioning
                at all well. Those who have behaved well, opposed all forms

                of cruelty, fought evil and remained on the path of Allah can
                expect a suitable reward. Allah mentions this matter in
                another verse:
                     All who submit themselves completely to Allah and
                     are good-doers will find their reward with their Lord.

                     They will feel no fear and will know no sorrow. (Surat
                     al-Baqara: 112)

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