Page 99 - Only Love Can Defeat Terrorism
P. 99

he preceding section considered the Qur'an's
                                calls by Allah for people to live in love and

                                security, emphasizing that Islam is a religion
                 of peace. We have seen how an understanding,
                 reconciliatory and humane model that respects freedom of
                 thought and attaches great importance to human rights will
                 appear in a society that lives by the moral values of the
                 Qur'an. Like the other Divine religions, Islam proposes a
                 model society of compassionate, mature, moderate, mild,

                 gentle, kind, sympathetic, loyal, understanding, forgiving
                 people who avoid fighting and conflict. In the Qur'an Allah
                 also commands believers to strive to bring such a society
                      Divine books revealed before the Qur'an may have
                 undergone a number of distortions, but they still contain
                 sections that agree with it. These books are the Torah and
                 the Gospels. Today, although mixed with human words and
                 thus distorted, they make up the core of what is called the

                 Bible. The Bible's two basic parts, the Old and the New
                 Testaments, are based on the Torah and the Gospels
                 respectively, including many other books and letters. Both
                 the Torah and the Gospels favor love, peace and
                 understanding, as well as prohibiting terror and oppression.
                 In this section, we consider how Jews and Christians from
                 all over the world must take action in light of these

                 commands to oppose terrorism.

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