Page 113 - Portents and Features of the Mahdi's Comingl
P. 113
so-and-so, you have the so-and-so por tents. You
escaped us once, but now hold out your hand so we
may swear loy al ty to you." At this, he will say: "I am not
he whom you seek," and will return to Madinah. Sought
for in Madinah, he will return to Makkah. In Makkah,
they will find him at the Rukun and will say: "If you do not
accept our oaths of alle giance, if you do not pro tect us
from the army of the Sufyan that is search ing for us and
led by one from Haddam, then let our sins be upon you
and our blood on your hands." At this, the Mahdi will sit
between the Rukun and the Maqam and hold out his
hand to accept their oath of alle giance.
(Al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar, pp. 39-40)
At a time of blood shed, peo ple afflict ed by strife will
come to the Mahdi as he sits at home and say: "Rise
for us!" He will refuse, but will even tu al ly rise after being
threat en ed with death. No blood will be shed there aft -
(Ibn Abi Sayba, c. VII, p. 531; Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi,
Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi, pp. 52-53)
We are told in the Surah Yusuf that Prophet Yusuf
(as) was also ele vat ed by Pharaoh on account of his
hon esty, jus tice, knowl edge, and trust wor thi ness:
When he had spo ken with him, he declared: "Today
you are trust ed, estab lished in our sight." (Surah
Yusuf, 54)