Page 4 - Portents and Features of the Mahdi's Comingl
P. 4


              A spe cial chap ter is as signed to the col lapse of the the -
         o ry of ev o lu tion be cause this the o ry con sti tutes the ba sis of all
         an ti-spir it u al phil os o phies. Sin ce Dar wi nism re jects the fact of
         Creation – and there fore, Allah's ex is tence – over the last 150
         years it has caused many peo ple to aban don their faith or fall
         in to doubt. It is there fore an im per a tive serv ice, a very im por -
         tant du ty to show ev ery one that this the o ry is a de cep tion. Sin -
         ce some read ers may find the chance to read on ly one of our
         books, we think it ap pro pri ate to de vote a chap ter to sum ma -
         rize this sub ject.
              All the au thor's books ex plain faith-re lat ed is sues in light
         of Qur'anic vers es, and in vite read ers to learn Allah's words
         and to live by them. All the sub jects con cern ing Allah's vers es
         are ex plained so as to leave no doubt or room for ques tions in
         the read er's mind. The books' sin cere, plain, and flu ent style
         en sures that ev ery one of ev ery age and from ev ery so cial group
         can eas i ly un der stand them. Thanks to their ef  fect ive, lu cid nar -
         ra tive, they can be read at one sit ting. Even those who rig or -
         ous ly re ject spir it u al i ty are in flu enced by the facts these books
         doc u ment and can not re fute the truth ful ness of their con tents.
              This and all the oth er books by the au thor can be read
         in di vid u al ly, or dis cussed in a group. Re aders ea ger to prof it
         from the books will find dis cus sion very use ful, let ting them re -
         late their re flec tions and ex pe ri en ces to one an oth er.
              In ad di tion, it will be a great serv ice to Is lam to con trib -
         ute to the pub li ca tion and read ing of these books, writ ten sole -
         ly for the pleas ure of Allah. The au thor's books are all ex treme -
         ly con vin cing. For this rea son, to com mu ni cate true re li gion to
         oth ers, one of the most ef fect ive meth ods is en cour ag ing them
         to read these books.
              We hope the read er will look through the re views of his
         oth er books at the back of this book. His rich source ma te ri al
         on faith-re  lat ed is sues is very use ful, and a pleas ure to read.
              In these books, un like some oth er books, you will not
         find the au thor's per son al views, ex pla na tions based on du bi -
         ous sour ces, styles that are un ob serv ant of the re spect and rev -
         er ence due to sa cred sub jects, nor hope less, pes si mis tic ar gu -
         ments that cre ate doubts in the mind and de vi a tions in the heart.
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