Page 8 - Portents and Features of the Mahdi's Comingl
P. 8
Now writ ing un der the pen-name of
HARUN YAHYA, Adnan Oktar was born in
Ankara in 1956. Having com plet ed his pri ma -
ry and sec ond ary ed u ca tion in Ankara, he stud -
ied arts at Istanbul's Mimar Sinan University
and phi los o phy at Istanbul University. Since the
1980s, he has pub lished many books on po lit i cal,
sci en tif ic, and faith-re lat ed is sues. Harun Yahya
is well-known as the au thor of im por tant works
dis clos ing the im pos ture of ev o lu tion ists, their in -
valid claims, and the dark li ai sons be tween
Darwinism and such bloody ide ol o gies as fas cism
and com mu nism.
Harun Yahya's works, trans lat ed in to 60 dif fer -
ent lan gua ges, con sti tute a col lec tion for a to tal of
more than 45,000 pa ges with 30,000 il lus tra tions.
His pen-name is a com pos ite of the names
Harun (Aaron) and Yahya (John), in
mem o ry of the two es teemed
Prophets who fought against their
peo ples' lack of faith. The Prophet's
seal on his books' cov ers is sym -
bol ic and is linked to their con -
tents. It rep re sents the Qur'an
(the Final Scripture) and Prophet
Muhammad (may Allah bless
him and grant him peace),
last of the pro phets.
Under the gui -
dance of