Page 13 - Portents and Features of the Mahdi's Comingl
P. 13



          The had iths of our Prophet (saas) pro vide very
        detailed infor ma tion and signs about the End Times,
        which will occur short ly before Doomsday. According
        to these reports, sev er al high ly sig nif i cant events will
        take place one after the other dur ing this peri od. In the
        first stage of the End Times, ter ri ble cor rup tion and
        chaos will rule; in the sec ond stage, these will be
        replaced by peace and secu ri ty as peo ple come to live
        by true reli gious moral val ues.
          Our Prophet (saas) impart ed glad tid ings regard ing
        the Mahdi, who will be sent dur ing the End Times. For
        exam ple, this great indi vid u al will lib er ate Muslims from
        cru el ty and suf fer ing; elim i nate cor rup tion; and usher in
        an era of peace, jus tice, plen ty, hap pi ness, and well
        being. According to reli a ble had iths, he will return Islam,
        which has been dis tort ed via super sti tions and prac ti -
        ces, to its true essence; meet with Prophet ‘Isa (as);
        and, by Allah's will, will ena ble Islam's moral val ues to
        pre vail on Earth.

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