Page 14 - Portents and Features of the Mahdi's Comingl
P. 14
These great tid ings enhance all believ ers' enthu -
si asm and excite ment. Many of the pro phet ic had -
iths and schol ar ly man u scripts that have come down
to us have trans mit ted the joy and enthu si asm of
those tid ings and have kept the sub ject alive and of
inter est among believ ers. The por tents that we are
see ing in our own time show us that the Mahdi's
com ing is close at hand. Indeed, the cur rent cli mate
of chaos, oppres sion, ter ror, and war, as well as the
strife, fam ines, and earth quakes, are all por tents of
this great event.
This small book con sists of two parts: "The
Portents of the Mahdi's Coming" and "The Mahdi's
Features." There can be no doubt that all new infor -
ma tion learned regard ing this sub ject will enhance
the Muslims' excite ment.