Page 19 - Portents and Features of the Mahdi's Comingl
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emer gence of inno va tions, and the loss of the means
by which to enjoin the right and for bid the wrong. His
jus tice and pros per i ty will ease the believ ers' hearts,
and friend ship and love will set tle between the non-Arab
and the Arab nations.
(Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi 'Al a mat al-Mahdi
Akhir al-Zaman, p. 66)
To sum ma rize, the fol low ing events will take place
before the Mahdi appears:
1) Death: Public secu ri ty will dis ap pear in the face of
anarchy, wide spread slaugh ter, and the ensu ing ten -
2) Hunger: The high cost of liv ing, as well as catas -
tro phes and nat u ral dis as ters, will cause a rise in hun -
ger and fam ine.
3) Fitnas (Sedition): Sin will be encour aged and
spread, and all kinds of immor al actions will take place
before peo ple's eyes.
4) Un-Islamic inno va tions (bid'at): Customs that have
no place in true Islam and that were added on and grad -
u al ly came to be accept ed as a true part of it, will
5) Being Unable to Preach the Religion: An emp ti -
ness caused by being una ble to teach how good is
com mand ed and evil for bid den; in other words, the
preach ing of reli gion.