Page 22 - Portents and Features of the Mahdi's Comingl
P. 22
Another had ith imparts the tid ings that there will be
con fu sion, sedi tion, and fear in the "west":
Disorder, sedi tion, and fear will emerge in the west...
Sedition will pro lif er ate.
(Mukhtasar Tazkirah Qurtubi)
Another had ith reveals that the Mahdi will come when
sedi tion is every where:
A kind of sedi tion will sur face from which no party will
be able to pro tect itself, and spread imme di ate ly in every
direc tion. This sit u a tion will per sist until one comes and
says: "O peo ple, from now on your lead er is the Mahdi."
(Ibn Hajar al-Haytahami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi 'Al a -
mat al-Mahdi al-Muntazar, p. 23)
In other words, a sedi tion that oppos es reli gion and
Allah will tar get peo ple's faith. Today, this sedi tion is
mate ri al ist phi los o phy, the sup posed sci en tif ic basis
of which is Darwin's the o ry of evo lu tion. Although it is
com plete ly irra tion al, unsci en tif ic, and devoid of any
sci en tif ic or log i cal proof, mate ri al ist cir cles are seek -
ing to impose this the o ry on every soci e ty through inten -
sive prop a gan da, decep tion, and mis rep re sen ta tion.
This the o ry enters our homes through the press and
tel e vi sion, wheth er we live in the West or in the Muslim
world. Forming a part of most sci ence and other text -