Page 23 - Portents and Features of the Mahdi's Comingl
P. 23


        books, it is imposed upon chil dren from the early grades
        through con stant rep e ti tion, such as its most famous
        claim: that peo ple are descend ed from a com mon
        ances tor with apes. Young peo ple are fed these evo -
        lu tion ist lies from pri ma ry school to the uni ver si ty.
          In addi tion, the sedi tion referred to in the pro phet ic
        had iths can only become so wide spread through mod -
        ern-day tech no log i cal means (e.g., the press, pub lish -
        ing, the Internet, and sat el lite com mu ni ca tions). Indeed,
        such wide spread sedi tion has never been seen before
        today. All of these are impor tant signs that the Mahdi's
        com ing coin cides with our own time. The had iths also
        state that this sedi tion will end when the Mahdi comes.

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