Page 10 - Portents and Features of the Mahdi's Comingl
P. 10
po ra ry move ments of de ni al are now ide o log i cal ly de feat ed,
thanks to the books writ ten by Harun Yahya.
This is no doubt a re sult of the Qur'an's wis dom and lu -
cid i ty. The au thor mod est ly in tends to serve as a means in hu -
man i ty's search for Allah's right path. No ma te ri al gain is
sought in the pub li ca tion of these works.
Those who en cour age oth ers to read these books, to open
their minds and hearts and guide them to be come more de vot -
ed ser vants of Allah, rend er an in val u a ble serv ice.
Meanwhile, it would on ly be a waste of time and en er gy
to prop a gate oth er books that cre ate con fu sion in peo ple's
minds, lead them in to ide o log i cal cha os, and that clear ly have
no strong and pre cise ef fects in re mov ing the doubts in peo -
ple's hearts, as al so ver i fied from pre vi ous ex pe ri ence. It is im -
pos si ble for books de vised to em pha size the au thor's lit er ary
pow er rath er than the no ble goal of sav ing peo ple from loss of
faith, to have such a great ef fect. Those who doubt this can
read i ly see that the sole aim of Harun Yahya's books is to over -
come dis be lief and to dis sem i nate the Qur'an's mor al val ues.
The suc cess and im pact of this serv ice are man i fest ed in the
read ers' con vic tion.
One point should be kept in mind: The main rea son for the
con tin u ing cru el ty, con flict, and oth er or deals en dured by the
vast ma jor i ty of peo ple is the ide o log i cal prev a lence of dis be -
lief. This can be end ed on ly with the ide o log i cal de feat of dis -
be lief and by con vey ing the wond ers of Creation and Qur'anic
mo ral i ty so that peo ple can live by it. Considering the state of
the world to day, lead ing in to a down ward spi ral of vi o lence,
cor rup tion and con flict, clear ly this serv ice must be pro vid ed
speed i ly and ef fect ive ly, or it may be too late.
In this ef fort, the books of Harun Yahya as sume a lead ing
role. By the will of Allah, these books will be a means through
which peo ple in the twen ty-first cen tu ry will at tain the peace,
jus tice, and hap pi ness prom ised in the Qur'an.