Page 95 - Portents and Features of the Mahdi's Comingl
P. 95
An Embargo against Iraq and Syria
"It may hap pen that the peo ple of Iraq may not send
their qafiz and dir hams [their meas ures of food-stuff
and their money]." We asked: "Who will be respon si ble
for it?" He said: "The non-Arabs will pre vent them." He
again said: "There is the pos si bil i ty that the Syrians may
not send their dinar and mudd." We asked: "Who will
be respon si ble for it?" He said: "This pre ven tion will be
made by the Romans."
(Sahih Muslim)
A blow to the Syrian econ o -
Another threat to Syria
my from the U.S.
08.04.2003 Milli Gazete 17.04.2003 Milliyet